The Law of Attraction Alignment

My law of attraction blog and everything you need to know to stay aligned!

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Your answer to all life questions…

Hey you, thank you for checking out my blog about the law of attraction and anything that might help you to stay aligned! 🙂

More than 10 years ago, I came across a book in the bookstore called The Secret. Today, most of you probably know this book, but then it was completely new. At that moment, the Law of attraction did its job as described. I was drawn to it, I was guided to it. I bought the book and read it in one breath. Afterward, I was totally convinced that this was it! This was what I was looking for my whole life!

I put it to the test a couple of times. And indeed, it really did seem to work. What I didn’t understand back then was the presence of this huge pile of limiting thoughts, residing in the back of my mind. As a result, I fell off the wagon, again and again. ‘Bad’ things were happening and the negative thoughts came back; “See, this is nonsense, life doesn’t really work like this. It can’t be that easy, really! You were just lucky a couple of times. See how you still haven’t manifested the amount of money you asked for! You’re not even close, etc.” Many of you have probably already been down this road as well.

I fell off track so bad, that it actually ended in depression, burn-out and feeling totally unhappy with my life. Things seemed to just randomly happen to me, negative things.. And I completely forgot about The Secret and the Law of Attraction. It was still there, somewhere in the back of my mind. But the negative-thinking-monster took over my mind.

From nothing to everything!

A couple of years ago I signed up for a Kabbalah course. A lot of their teachings were actually about the power of thoughts and about deliberately creating. Slowly it got me back on track. Since then a lot of good things changed in my life. First of all, I quit my job and sold my house. Then I lived abroad for over 6 months and actually did many other things that I’ve always dreamed about. I started to learn more about the law of attraction through podcasts and books and via some amazing people I met along the road.

And the list continues; I married the love of my life and I am pregnant. I got my yoga teacher degree and I opened up my own freelance business. All these life changes, are now part of my day-to-day life. Changes that I once only dreamed about and seemed so far out of reach. They somehow became reality to me.

You can learn from my mistakes!

As you can see, my life completely turned around! And this is why I would like to share my knowledge and reviews with you. So you don’t need to go through 10 miserable, confusing years too before you will figure this good shit out. Consequently, this blog about the law of attraction will hopefully also help with my own accountability. Because in everyday life you naturally get caught up in this illusionary world. And then you forget to appreciate the things you’ve manifested and to show gratitude for them. And you forget how much lies within your own control, how you attract even the smallest details of your life.

Manifest your dreams in 6 steps

Let’s share!

If you are looking to expand your knowledge about the law of attraction, I highly recommend you to read Abraham Hicks’ books and to start working with a Law of Attraction / motivational planner. They have been really helpful for me. By reading a bit from their books every day I am able to keep my consciousness high.

Please tell me more about your experiences with the law of attraction, source, chakra’s, alignment, yoga, positive thinking or anything else you might think of!

Lots of Love and Light,

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