How to cope with fear and anxiety during difficult times
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Before I start, let me clarify that I take our current global events very serious. And I hope you guys will do as well. Follow your governments’ and the WHO’s instructions at all times. And remember: this doesn’t just concern your health, but the health of others as well. The intention of this post is to bring some mental relief to those who need it during these confusing times. As well as to maybe give you a new perspective that might help you cope better. And by no means I want to downplay the situation we’re in. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to look at the spiritual aspect of it, but it doesn’t make the physical reality less real. Many are going through difficult and painful times right now. Which is something we can’t ignore and respect. I know what it’s like to be very anxious in life, because I’ve often experienced this myself. And because of my own experience, I also know there are ways to cope with fear and anxiety better. What I’m going to tell you helped me a lot. I hope my tips will make life a little easier for you too. That would be great! During the past weeks my mind remained quite calm. But since yesterday, I have been feeling a bit anxious about everything that is happening in the world. And I know that many of you out there feel the same way as I did! But… I also realize the fact that fear is the very opposite of what is helpful right now. For yourself and for the people around you.
Let’s call it the ‘fear virus’
We are dealing with an pandemic now because of the corona-virus. And in a figurative sense, there’s another ‘virus’ succeeding quite well at the moment; the ‘virus’ of fear. Us, human beings, have a talent for making each other really scared. We all know stress and anxiety lowers our immune system, thus making us more vulnerable to become sick on a physical level too.
Fear causes people to buy loads of silly products 😉
So far fear has mainly resulted in empty supermarkets, a shortage of face masks and swabs for health care professionals, a run on weapons in the United States, in the Netherlands we had a run on marijuana :), and there have been fights over toilet paper?! (humanity at its best!). So it seems, fear is not very helpful so far. Fear has a function when we are truly in danger. But 91% of the time we fear something, those fears will never come true. And if they do come true, somewhere in the future, it’s still a waste of our precious time… being scared until it happens.
Switch off the fear-button!
Fear lowers our immune system. So, by being scared or anxious, you are more open to become sick. Most people who get the virus, didn’t feel sick at all or were only mildly affected by it. Which means that a lot of people have an immune system that is strong enough to fight it. So, in any case we’re better off when our bodies are not feeling stressed. No, it doesn’t mean you can’t catch the virus, or get sick, when you feel completely relaxed. It does mean that your immune system isn’t already weakened because of dealing with anxiety before. In any case it’s best to live as healthy and relaxed as possible under these circumstances. ? That’s why it’s important to switch the fear button off!
On the agenda for 2020: A collective shift in consciousness
To get rid of my own anxiety, I started to focus on what spiritual people had to say about these global events. And what they have to say is actually really beautiful. Looking at it from that perspective makes it to be a true blessing to be alive at this particular time in history. According to the spiritual people, there is a spiritual shift in the collective consciousness on the 2020 agenda. And I do believe that this is going to make changes in the behavior of humankind on earth. I’ve heard about this shift before, and I also noticed changes in the people around me in the last years. But still, I would have never thought, there was a change on its way to this extent. In one way it results in sickness, sadness and economy crises on a human level, it also results in us being more connected to each other than ever, and the planet seems to heal as well. Up until a week ago, for many people saw, events that occurred elsewhere in the world, as a soon-to-be-forgotten distant reality. “War in Syria? Mehh, yeah, terrible, but what can we do about it? Starvation in Africa? Yeah, awful, but I won’t be able to change that. Pollution? It’s not that bad. No need to drive, fly, and consume a little less. Ebola? Ah yes, so sad, but that won’t hurt me anyway. These things happen in Africa.” However, the Corona-virus is a global crisis, and connects us again. Ironically, by keeping our distance from each other physically; on a spiritual level it brings us closer together, as well as to the essence of life.
We are one!
Us humans are interconnected. We are part of one and the same organism, meaning that each person’s suffering, is directly connected to you and will affect you as well as. For a long time we managed to justify this to ourselves. The reason why it is ok we are happy and healthy, whereas so many other people on the planet didn’t have the same basic rights as our Western society had. Anything in order to keep our ego satisfied. Anything to save our own skin, anything that will keep any responsibility towards that invisible other as far away as possible from us. We can’t ignore each other anymore, and we really need one another to make this work in the long run. We’re more interdependent than ever. For where people on this planet live in poor health conditions, with no access to adequate health care, this may directly result in new outbreaks on the other side of the globe. Status, power, money, religion and race are no longer of any importance. This is something we must do together, because we are all tied to each other.
Stay away from the collective stream of fear
I believe that this will be a turning point for humanity. On a spiritual level, all of this can only result in a beautiful and positive outcome. Hopefully, this is the start of a new and better world, for all of us. Finally! But as always with change, it can also be frightening, painful and overwhelming. For this reason we must help each other, instead of scaring each other. Don’t feed the fears! Just follow your governments guidelines, but don’t get caught up in all the scary reports and statistics. Stay awake, stay conscious. Focus on the beautiful things that will come again. And as with everything in life, you have the choice to make tthis experience as good or bad as you choose it to be. So, my advice to you is: strive to make the most out of this situation, focus on the positive aspects it brings, no matter what happens. Because beauty can be found everywhere.
The Kabbalistic perspective
According to Kabbalist teachings, our physical reality, which we believe to be the complete reality, is just a fraction of the total reality. Our perception of the Universe is limited by our senses, yet forms the perfect setting that we need to achieve spiritual growth. A learning school on an individual and a global level. And the more we support one another in this process, the faster we’ll be moving towards our final destination. The end-point where there is only unconditional love, where suffering is non existent, the place where all pieces of the puzzle will fall into place. And when you look at it from this perspective, it seems we’re getting much closer to that today!
Ego Vs. Inner Self
This learning school basically gives us two choices in every situation; the choice for the ego, i.e. fear and suffering, or the choice for our inner self, i.e. unconditional love, happiness and spiritual growth. And each time we are able to reject the ego, it brings us closer to where you and the entire world ultimately will be. Each and every action of each individual counts. Rejecting the ego will always bring us one step closer to the full reality, and to who we truly are. Our inner self knows that the ego – hence also fear – is an illusion. So now is definitely the time to stay aware of this at all times. According to Kabbalah, more ego, also means more chaos and suffering. Rejecting the ego will result in more peace and unlimited happiness. In difficult times like this, we will see a lot of people are going to choose for fear. But remember, their fear is not your fear. Try not to get caught up in it. I always find comfort in the thought that everything happens for a reason and everything happens as it’s supposed to happen. There’s never a reason to be afraid. What is going to happen exactly? I don’t know. But I do know that we have to let go of the fear of the unknown, embrace the situation as it is and have unconditional faith in the changes it will bring about.
Other tips to cope with fear anxiety:
- Watch Dr. Joe Dispenza’s video’s; he’s a neuroscientist and biochemist who tells you exactly how we respond to fear, how it affects you, its purpose, and how you can turn this around.
- Bored and in the mood to read a good book? There are a few books that really helped me to cope better with my anxiety and feel more relaxed. The books of Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth and The Power of the Now are must-reads for people who want to cope better with fear and anxiery.
Dr. Joe Dispenza is a great writer as well! He explains how you can heal yourself by changing your mindset. If you feel anxious or worried about the thought that you might get sick, then his books might be very helpful to you during these extraordinary times we’re globally going through right now.
My recommendations:
- Watch Bruce Lipton’s video’s; Bruce Lipton is a biologist. He explains how illness can be caused by our own thoughts.
- Take a course in mindfulness. Being mindful helps to take everything day by day and to stop worrying about the future.
- Start studying Kabbalah! The Kabbalah is a blueprint of life. It explains why we live in this physical world, the purpose of it, and how we can stop suffering. Bnei Baruch has awesome classes online on YouTube. For free! Click the link for the first lesson: Introduction to Kabbalah
- Let things go that are out of your control
- Use this time to pause and contemplate. We’ve been running long enough.
- Do your spiritual work. Work on yourself. Search for your higher self. And free yourself from your ego.
- Work out from home!
- Eat healthy.
- Enjoy the beautiful weather!
- Do not constantly check the news. 1x a day (even less or not at all) to stay informed of new measures can be useful, however, filling your day with sad news reports will take you out of your positive vibration. And your positive vibration is exactly what you and the world needs right now!
- Help someone by doing their groceries (if you’re healthy of course).
- Facetime with family and friends.
- Relax. We have been running for a long time. Use this time to pause and contemplate.
- Let go of control.
Wishing you lots of strength, happiness, love and health! Love, Angie
Love this, love your blog, and followed you on Pinterest lol. I love your take on fear. Other people’s fear should not be our fear. that’s gold! Like President Roosevelt said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. So it would be a waste being afraid of things we don’t know about, instead, it would help us more to be hopeful for a better tomorrow and know that everything will be alright.