Guide to Manifestation: 7 Proven Methods to Turn Your Desires into Reality

Guide to Manifestation: 7 Proven Methods to Turn Your Desires into Reality

Manifestation is gaining attention in personal development and spirituality. It’s about using thought and intention to shape reality. By focusing on what we desire, we can make it happen. It turns thoughts into outcomes, going beyond wishful thinking. Throughout history, different cultures embraced it. From ancient practices to modern techniques, the principle remains: thoughts shape…

Woman in White Tank Top Lying on Gray Bed

Reinvent Yourself: 9 Tips for Personal Transformation

Hey there, fellow seekers of self-improvement and all-around awesome humans! Welcome to our little corner of the internet where we’re all about inhaling the good stuff and exhaling the not-so-good. Today, we’re diving deep into the exhilarating journey of reinventing yourself. Sometimes we find ourselves stuck in a rut, feeling like we’re spinning our wheels…

10 Essential Things to Do in a Week for a Productive and Joyful Life

10 Essential Things to Do in a Week for a Productive and Joyful Life

Imagine transforming your life through simple, achievable tasks, all while enjoying every moment of it. This blog post is your guide to a productive and joyful week by establishing a weekly routine, cultivating good habits, strengthening relationships, enhancing skills and knowledge, managing finances, organizing your home, engaging in creative pursuits, and exploring outdoor adventures. Get…

Example of a Prayer Journal: Top 5 Prayer Journals

Example of a Prayer Journal: Top 5 Prayer Journals

Prayer journals have been transforming lives by deepening connections with God and enhancing spiritual journeys. But with countless options available, how do you choose the perfect one for you? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the top 5 prayer journals, each catering to different preferences and needs – ensuring you’ll find the ideal example of…

woman meditating in bedroom

5x The Best Meditation Pillows For Achieving Zen

Meditation has become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more people strive to find ways to reduce stress and improve their mental and physical well-being. There are many different ways to meditate, and one of the most essential pieces of equipment you will need is a meditation pillow. A meditation pillow (also called…

How to cope with fear and anxiety during difficult times

How to cope with fear and anxiety during difficult times

Before I start, let me clarify that I take our current global events very serious. And I hope you guys will do as well. Follow your governments’ and the WHO’s instructions at all times. And remember: this doesn’t just concern your health, but the health of others as well. The intention of this post is to…

Essential Oils - Inhale The Good Shit

What are essential oils and where to buy high-quality oils

What are essential oils? Essential oils are compounds that are extracted from benifical plants. They are obtained through distillation or by cold pressing. This results in aromotic compounds that give each essential oil its characteristic fragrance.  However, only the oils obtained through distillation are considered to be the ‘real essential oils’. Essential oils are often…

Best affirmation card decks 2020

5x Beautifully Designed & Inspiring Affirmation Decks

The power of positive affirmations By setting the right intention every morning for the rest of your day, you can direct the course of your day in a positive direction. You can do this with the help of deliberate affirming positive thoughts. These affirmations are a positive reminder to stay positive throughout the day, no…

Je kunt je leven helen

Louise Hay – You can heal your life: Book review

Another book that changed my life: “You can heal your life”, written by Louise Hay; the Queen of positive affirmations. Recommended by a colleague a few years ago. And I’m so thankful for that, because I use many of Louise’s affirmations on a daily basis.  Louise Hay: The Queen of affirmations Louise Hay was one…

Staying positive around negative people with the law of attraction - stay positive when others are negative - Inhale The Good Shit (1)

How To Set & Maintain Boundaries By Applying the Law of Attraction

We accept unacceptable behavior of others because ‘they don’t really mean it like that’, or because you’re afraid it will disturb the relationship, because it’s a family-thing or work-related and you see this person on a daily basis. But when this means that the other person can do whatever he wants, while the positive energy…

Meaning of the 7 chakras

The 7 chakras: what do they mean + how to open them

Chakras: the energy portals of the soul What are chakras and what is the meaning of the chakras? 2e Chakra: Swadishthana 3e Chakra: Manipura 4e Chakra: Anahatha 5e Chakra: Vishudha 6e Chakra: Ajna 7e Chakra: Sahasrara Mooladhara Meaning chakra: Mooladhara means root in Sanskrit. It is your root chakra, your basis. It represents the physical,…

two white swans flying in the air

Synchronicity signs: when it’s not just a coincidence anymore!

Synchronicity signs: when ‘coincidences’ piling up on your way? Are you also frequently experiencing that something happens in your life, that seems to be too coincidental to be just a coincidence? And do these moments keep piling up in certain periods of your life? Well, this happens to me a lot! Sometimes it feels like…

The Law of Attraction Alignment

My law of attraction blog and everything you need to know to stay aligned!

Your answer to all life questions… Hey you, thank you for checking out my blog about the law of attraction and anything that might help you to stay aligned! 🙂 More than 10 years ago, I came across a book in the bookstore called The Secret. Today, most of you probably know this book, but…