Example of a Prayer Journal: Top 5 Prayer Journals

Example of a Prayer Journal: Top 5 Prayer Journals

Prayer journals have been transforming lives by deepening connections with God and enhancing spiritual journeys. But with countless options available, how do you choose the perfect one for you? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the top 5 prayer journals, each catering to different preferences and needs – ensuring you’ll find the ideal example of…

Essential Oils - Inhale The Good Shit

What are essential oils and where to buy high-quality oils

What are essential oils? Essential oils are compounds that are extracted from benifical plants. They are obtained through distillation or by cold pressing. This results in aromotic compounds that give each essential oil its characteristic fragrance.  However, only the oils obtained through distillation are considered to be the ‘real essential oils’. Essential oils are often…

Meaning of the 7 chakras

The 7 chakras: what do they mean + how to open them

Chakras: the energy portals of the soul What are chakras and what is the meaning of the chakras? 2e Chakra: Swadishthana 3e Chakra: Manipura 4e Chakra: Anahatha 5e Chakra: Vishudha 6e Chakra: Ajna 7e Chakra: Sahasrara Mooladhara Meaning chakra: Mooladhara means root in Sanskrit. It is your root chakra, your basis. It represents the physical,…